Wednesday, September 23, 2009

stone's goose egg.

So today we called 911 for Stone for the first time. He and Zane were playing piggy back rides when Stone fell off and bonked his head behind his ear. I had my feet up (not feeling the best, we have a cold going through the house) and I just happened to be having a contraction when I decided I should put the foot rest of the chair down when my contraction was over. At this moment he fell off and bonked his head on the corner of the footrest of the chair. I have NEVER seen a goose egg appear so fast and so big. At first we decided to rush to Children's, but then decided 911 would be quicker.

The ambulance came and in the end, we all decided he was acting fine. It's now 4 hours later and still no signs of concussion or anything of the sort. Phew!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Stone's bed.

With the arrival of the new baby nearing, it was time to get Stone out of our bed and into his own. We put a twin bed in Zane's room and last night was Stone's first night sleeping in the room with Zane. He LOVED it! He only woke up once and Dave corralled him back into his bed and he went right back to sleep. When he and Zane got up in the morning, it was a little earlier than Stone normally gets up, and his nap was shorter today, but maybe that means he will go to sleep earlier, which would be great!

The best part, Stone seems thrilled to be sleeping in big brother's room and Zane seems happy to have Stoney in there too. Now to just do a little rearranging to make the room more user friendly.

bowl of radishes and water...

There's nothing like a bowl of radishes and water with a cup to keep a 2 year old boy entertained. I have much produce to wash and prep for use from the CSA I joined this year (I have been neglectful, so I have 2-3 weeks worth of things to clean) and Stone decided to "help."

He now has all 3 weeks worth of radishes in a salad spinner filled 1/5 of the way full of water and has a cup. He is filling the cup with radishes and then dumping them back into the bowl of water. Works for me since it means I get to do other things, he works on his pouring skills, he is entertained and the radishes do get washed.

I love when he helps with the produce. Usually he spins the lettuce. This week, he's on radish duty. Wonder what next week will bring?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

zane loves me.

Zane was especially affectionate when I dropped him off at school today. He even hugged Stoney before he got out of the car, then proceeded to blow kisses for abut 30 seconds, which in car line time is a LONG time. Very sweet, and the teachers did not seem to mind.

When Zane got home today he told me right away to check in his backpack. I looked and found several things. One was an envelope with David's and my name on it. We were notified yesterday to be sure to check his backpack that all parents were going to be getting a letter in an envelope. Then I found a few works he did at school.

One was not at all done. All he did was write his name on it. I looked through it and he said that he forgot to color it in, but I should look on the back. What do I find but a wonderful note he dictated to his teacher and she wrote out in yellow pencil. I would take a picture and let everyone see it, but it is hard to read due to the yellow on white. It says," Zane misses Mommy and I can't wait to come back home to you. And I really love you Mommy. And I was thinking I love Stoney too."

Honestly, it's enough to melt any mother's heart. Love him!