Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Do you think that if I just ignore the kids they will eventually behave? How many times do I really need to correct them?

Zane has been in trouble a lot lately. Even at school where he is usually a good kid. What on earth is going on?! Are the star not aligned properly? Is he eating more sugar than I realize? Or is this just normal almost 5 year old rottenness?

Every year on his birthday he comes up with some new awful behavior to make him even more ill behaved. Just when I begin to think it has to get better, it gets worse!

So, I've decided to just ignore it for a while and try to focus on the positive. We'll see how this turns out!

Monday, April 20, 2009

poop it out.

Zane is quite the almost 5 year old! We are expecting a third child in September, and as this will be another homebirth there is the distinct possibility that Zane and Stone might be present for the birth. In preparation, I have been reading a book to Zane and Stone (when Stone will pay attention) called Welcome with Love. It's all about a mother that is giving birth to her child in the home with the family all around.

It has some illustrations in it that show the head between the mother's legs from a side angle (Not the legs spread angle). And when Zane saw it he decided that I am going to poop the baby out. After discussing it a little, he also said he thinks the baby will come out of my head. I explained to him basic hookups of a female body, so he does know how it happens, but I doubt he really gets it. How could he, really?

What I am waiting to hear is that he has been talking about it at school. I have not heard anything yet as this was his first day back at school since spring break. But, he wants to read the book all the time and he really likes the pooping the baby out picture. He will even go upstairs and read the book to himself without anyone suggesting it.

The great thing about all this is that Zane is very excited about the new baby. He often likes to kiss my belly and he talks about how he hopes it is a sister. I've also let him know that he doesn't have a choice. If the baby is a brother, there is no sending it back!

Friday, April 17, 2009

spring break madness.

This week was spring break for Zane. He has had playdates almost every day. It has been quite crazy around here.

The biggest "problem" has been that one of his best friends (a neighbor) was out of town the whole time. Zane asked almost every other day to play with Schuyler. Fortunately Schuyler is coming back, this time. Unfortunately, Schuyler is moving at the end of May to Pennsylvania. We will all dearly miss Schuyler. He plays great with both of my boys and always listens to me. What more can you ask of a playdate for your kids?

That's it really. I thought at the beginning of the week that I was going to go insane, but it ended up being a really nice week. I'm glad to have had this time with both boys!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

snow, snow, snow...

Much of our entertainment during our trip to Colorado involved playing in the snow. Good thing that was our plan, we wanted to play in the snow! Obviously Zane enjoyed it immensely!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


We were out of town for a couple weeks. Sorry for the delay!

My son Zane loves to have playdates. We had one today that was particularly stressful for me. Normally I am fine with playdates, actually like them as the kids play well together and everyone seems to have a good time. But the kids that were here today are different than the other kids I am used to.

Now, I know that different is not bad. This is just an exhausting different. I had a rough night of sleep and then my acupunturist was late, so I was tight on time and got nothing done before our playdate. This makes for a grumpy me. Add extra kids, and wild ones at that, and you get a very grumpy and yelly Stormy. I even reprimanded the oldest of the 2 visiting children a couple time. Not sure what the mother thought about it. Oy.

All I know is that next time we will have to meet in a park or elsewhere. We'll see how it goes!