Thursday, February 26, 2009

gone for good...

The games seem to be gone for good. Maybe a blessing in disguise. One less gadget for my sons to be playing with. I would rather they be outside digging up worms or planting random seeds. Zane likes to find seeds and plant them in my flower beds.

Now if I could just lose the Wii and the tv we would be all set. :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009


We have hand held games for the boys called DS's. One for each boy so there is no fighting. They share the games and it is great. Nice for when I really need to get something done.

Unfortunately the small gray case that holds the games has gone missing. We all saw it last night during Stoney's birthday party, but this morning it is nowhere to be found. We have searched high and low. Such a serious bummer since these games are not cheap.

We both feel like it is here SOMEPLACE, we just do not know where. We really don't think anyone would have taken it. If someone did, it would be a kid who wanted to borrow it or just didn't realize what it was or just didn't realize it would be stealing if they took it.

Naive? Maybe. I do not want to accuse my friends or their kids of taking it. I just do not want a hundreds of dollars of games to be missing. And, the only 2 game cards we have left are the 2 most annoying ones. Ugh!

My mom even searched through the trash. She rocks. We looked under furniture, in furniture, in Zane's bed, in drawers, the trash, cupboards, the play room... Oy.

Wish me luck in finding these. Otherwise I might have to hide the DS's for a very long time so I do not have to hear the annoying songs that go along with the 2 games we have left.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stone is 2.

Stone is 2 today. I know, it's hard to believe... Time really does seem to fly.

My mom is visiting. Mom, Stone and I went to the store. We were at Target where they had all kinds of stuffed toys for 75% off. He did not want a single one of them. We then went to Kroger (a grocery chain) and he found a stuffed animal there that he wanted. We were walking along and there was a 25%-50% off table. He grabbed a tiger off the table, cradled it in his arm and kept walking. So I told him that we were not buying it but he could carry it around if he wanted.

Once we got to the check out I told him he needed to give the tiger to the cashier. He did not want to, but eventually he gave her the tiger without complaint and said, "Byebye." He waved to the tiger and we left. How lucky am I?!

I know I have a stuffed tiger in the basement someplace. Perhaps I will go down there and find it today.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Stone loves to have his hair standing on end. He also loves when balloons stick to him. He thinks it is hysterical. So do we. Nothing better than a little zap.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


We had snow, freezing rain, and then snow. This led to some beautiful ice covering everything. I love how sparkly the plants are in the sun! The world should be sparkly all the time. I bet people would be happier in general if the world sparkled.