Tuesday, October 13, 2009

pic of Indie!

Thought my 9 readers might want to see a picture of Indica. We call her Indie much of the time and think she is just the sweetest little girl! Zane and Stone fight over which one will hold her first and for the longest. Let's just hope the love continues to blossom!

Monday, October 12, 2009

the bus incident.

Spoke with Zane's bus driver today and she said that the 8 year old pointed his finger at Zane and Zane just chomped on it. Ugh. Why?!

On a good note, Indie is sleeping like a champ! She does 2-3 hour increments, so I am a lot less tired in the morning than I remember being with Zane and Stone. I feel like recovery has been much quicker. Probably a combo of her being a bit smaller (for one of my babies) and the added sleep.

We have much to be thankful for. Three beautiful children and family and friends helping out. My parents have been incredibly helpful. Thanks everybody for everything!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

More Indica.

So Indica is now over a week old. Things seem to be going pretty good. There have been a couple kinks.

Zane bit an 8 year old on the bus. He knows biting is not ok and has not done it since he was 2. He told us that the boy told him to bite him. Unfortunately it was my mom that got him off the bus that day. The next day I went to pick Zane up but it was a substitute bus driver. So I could not ask her about it. What we suspect happened is that the kid said, "Bite me." and Zane took him literally...

Fun stuff.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Indica Sky

The boys have a sister! Her name is Indica Sky and she was born Oct. 3rd. Nine pounds even.

Zane wants to spend time with her and hug her and kiss her, but he is sick. He has a 104.3 fever today, so Indica and I have been quarantined to my room. Fortunately the doctor that did the house call this morning to check out Indica also checked on Zane. His lungs are clear and he has swollen lymph nodes. Probably taking him to the doctor's office tomorrow for a more thorough check unless his fever is way down.

Stone is just not sure what to think. He saw me nurse Indica and he just started sobbing and threw his head down on my arm. Poor thing. It has been 5 months since he has had mama's milk. But I am pretty sure he remembers and is sad that Indica gets to have it and he does not. He does still seem curious about her, so that is good.

Looks like I will have to come up with a new title for the blog. That's the news for today.